
Fair Trade

With as many road blocks that we have run into it's all worth it. Today the group started doing the medical clinics and we're able to treat over 150 people. Two of the noteworthy patients were a young girl with a temperature of 105 and another boy that had a temperature over 107. I really believe that if the medical team had not been there that he would have died through the night. The team was able to get his temperature down and monitor him for the next several hours until it was down to 99. What a great day to be able to make that much of a difference in someone's life. In Africa where sometimes things can be one step forward and two steps back, today was two steps forward and no steps back! Great job medical team!
What Do You Celebrate?
So Orant Charities, due to it's donors, was able to install 7 new water wells in Malawi this year. Today the Orant team attended a celebration with the villages who received the water wells. There were hundreds of people gathered to give thanks and dedicate the new water sources. The Orant team was only present for a couple of hours, but the celebration will last all day and into the night. There were many among the group of elders that had NEVER seen clean water in their lifetime; which makes it amazing that they were able to survive that long while drinking bacteria infested puddle water. In America we celebrate holidays, family events, freedom, our veterans, sporting events...all of which are great reasons to celebrate. Never once have I celebrated the fact that I have clean water to drink or the fact that I have had clean water my entire life. I can't help but think of who should be more thankful and celebrating the gift of water. Maybe it's time to celebrate one of the only things we can't live without for more than a couple of days! Cheers! Here's to having clean water to drink!